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3D imaging of enteric neurons in a male mouse
3D imaging of enteric neurons in mouse
3D segmentation of myelinated afferents of the rat bladder in the pelvic nerve
Acquisition of single neurons and regional neuronal samples from the porcine Right Atrial Ganglionic
Anatomy and Histology of the Domestic Pig in the Context of Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Anterograde tracing of spinal afferent innervation in flat-mounts of the rat atria
Antibodies tested in the colon - Human
Antibodies tested in the colon - Mouse
Antibodies tested in the colon - pig
Ascending nerves in human colon - immunohistochemical labelling
Calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactive (CGRP-IR) innervation of mouse stomach
Central terminal fields of lower urinary tract afferents in rat
Characterization of projections of long interneurons in human colon
Characterization of projections of longitudinal muscle motor neurons in human colon
Cholera toxin B retrograde tracing from brown adipose tissue and forelimb to the stellate ganglion
Chronic intermittent hypoxia remodels catecholaminergic innervation in mouse atria
CLARITY and 3D imaging with high resolution and deep scanning of innervation in the pig colon by usi
CLARITY and three-dimensional (3D) imaging of the mouse and porcine colonic innervation
CLARITY and three-dimensional (3D) imaging of the mouse and porcine colonic innervation (2)
Cyto- and chemoarchitecture of the rat spinal cord
Distribution & coexpression patterns of specific cell markers of enteroendocrine cells in pig ga
Distribution and morphology of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) innervation in flat mounts of
Distribution of ICN Neurons in Male and Female 3D Reconstructed Rat Hearts
Distribution of Nitregic Cholinergic and all MP Neurons
Effects of subcutaneous nerve stimulation on nerve sprouting in ambulatory dogs
Endorgan-specific Pseudorabies (PRV) infection in mouse kidney and liver
Expression of molecular markers in mouse and human stellate ganglia
Expression of molecular markers in subpopulations of mouse celiac ganglion neurons
Expression of molecular markers in subpopulations of mouse stellate ganglion neurons
Expression of molecular markers in subpopulations of mouse superior cervical ganglion neurons
High-throughput segmentation of unmyelinated axons by deep learning
Histology of pig cervical vagus nerve
Human cervical vagus nerve fascicle imaging with MicroCT
Human Islet Microvasculature Analysis
Human Vagus Nerve Stained with Massons Trichrome
Human Vagus Nerve TH_ChAT
iBAT Sympathetic Innervation Circuit Pseudorabies Viral Tracing_2019
Identification of lung innervating sensory neurons and their target specificity
Identification of lung innervating sensory neurons and their target specificity in mouse (2)
Identification of peripheral neural circuits that regulate heart rate using optogenetic and viral ve
Identification of peripheral neural circuits that regulate heart rate using 2
Imaging in vivo acetylcholine release in the peripheral nervous system with a fluorescent nanosensor
Immediate Early Gene (IEG) mapping of spinal cord neurons activated by cystometry induced micturition
Innervation of enteroendocrine cells in the gastric mucosa in human and pig - including a descriptio
Innervation of Human Heart
Intravenously injected AAV9 transduced interstitial cells of Cajal in mouse colon
Intrinsic tongue muscle and the hypoglossal nucleus in a mouse model of Down syndrome
iWAT Sympathetic Innervation Circuit Pseudorablies Viral Tracing in reporter mice
Light microscopic analysis of synaptic input to neurons in the rat major pelvic ganglion
Mapping colon and bladder innervating sensory neurons in CLARITY cleared ganglia in mouse
Mapping of dorsal root ganglia sensory nerve populations in the mouse lung
Mapping of ICN Neurons in a 3D Reconstructed Rat Heart
Mapping of the vagal afferent innervation of the mouse lung
Mapping of vagal sensory nerve populations and their brainstem projections in mice
Micro Computed Tomography (Micro-CT) imaging of iodine-stained rat stomachs from full to empty
MicroCT imaging of rat stomach vasculature with Microfil MV-122
Molecular Phenotype Distribution of Single Rat Intracardiac Neurons
Monosynaptic circuit mapping of iBAT (interscapular brown adipose tissues) in mice
Morphologies dimensions and targets of gastric nitric oxide synthase neurons
Morphometric analysis of the abdominal vagus nerve in rats
Multicolor adeno-associated virus sparse labeling and 3D digital tracing of enteric plexus in mouse
Organotopic organization of the porcine vagus nerve
Pig Vagus Nerve Stained with Massons Trichrome
Pig vagus nerve TH (tyrosine hydroxylase) and ChAT (choline acetyltransferase) positive fibers
Quantification of enteric ganglia in the three main regions of the rat stomach
Quantification of thickness of the gastric muscle in the rat stomach
Quantified Morphology of the Human Vagus Nerve with Anti-Claudin-1
Quantified Morphology of the Pig Vagus Nerve
Quantified Morphology of the Pig Vagus Nerve with Anti-Fibronectin
Quantified Morphology of the Rat Vagus Nerve
Quantitation of nodose neurons labelled by retrograde tracing from selective gastric mucosal and gas
Quantitation of nodose neurons labelled by retrograde tracing from selective injections into the gas
Quantitative analysis of enteric neurons containing choline acetyltransferase and nitric oxide synth
Rat Vagus Nerve Massons Trichrome
Rat Vagus Nerve_TH_ChAT
Regional analysis of autonomic nerves in normal and diseased human hearts
Safety testing of predicate device for Fecobionics
Safety testing of the Fecobionics device
Spatial mapping and contextualization of axon subtypes innervating the long bones of C3H and B6 mice
Stimulation of the pig vagus nerve to modulate target effect versus side effect
Submandibular ganglion stained by bungarotoxin and nanosensors
Substance P (SP)-IR axon innervation of mouse stomach
Substance P-immunoreactive axons in the antrum-pylorus-duodenum of mice
Targets of sympathetic nerves in myenteric plexus of human colon
Topographical mapping of sympathetic postganglionic innervation of the mouse heart
Transduction of systemically administered adeno-associated virus in the colonic enteric nervous syst
Ultrastructural analysis of human vagus nerve
Vagal preganglionic axons arborize in myenteric plexus into two patterns generating nitrergic and no
Vasculature in mouse colon and relationship with entric nervous system glia and macrophages
Visualizing sympathetic projections in the intact brown adipose tissue depot in the mouse
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Collection: 3D imaging of enteric neurons in mouse
Confocal projections of mouse proximal colon.
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